6th – 10th March 2018
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN) Paris, France
The 5th YNHM got to its' end and we would like to thank cordially:
Student associations Timarcha, Symbiose6 and Doc’Up and all the volunteers for the help given to BDEM the main organizing association.
Sorbonne Universités, the FSDIE of Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University and the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle for their technical and financial support.
All the YNHM sponsors: the naturalistic magazines La Hulotte and Salamandre, the scientific magazine Espèces, the Yves Rocher Foudation, Société Genérale bank and the publishing company Springer.
The scientific societies supporting each of the 6 sessions: the Société Géologique de France, the Société Française d’Écologie, the Société Française de Systématique, the Société Préhistorique française and the Association Française Interprofessionnelle des Ecologues.
All the keynote speakers and the jury members for accepting our invitation and for the fascinating scientific discussions.
Gilles Boeuf and Jean-Michel Bertrand for captivating public conferences and Sabrina Krief and Sylvie Tiên Gadmer for their presence at the movie projection.
Thank you to our fabulous graphic designer Sophie Fernandez and to our photograhers Valentin Faivre, Yoan Paillet, Laure Schneider-Manoury, Typhaine Rousteau and many others...
Music bands Livingstone and Ernestophone for the amazing gala evening.
And finally… thank you all for your participation!

The Bureau des Doctorants et Étudiants du Muséum (association for master students, PhD students and young researchers of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle of Paris), Timarcha (association for young naturalists), and Symbiose6 (association for young biologists of the UPMC) are pleased to announce the opening of the registration and abstract submission for the 5th Young Natural History scientists' Meeting!
Submission and registration are now closed

This totally free conference is dedicated to young researchers in natural history (non permanent researchers such as PhD students, postdocs or master students) who are the only ones allowed to present communications, but senior researchers are welcome to attend the conference. The meeting will be held entirely in English.
You can participate in the meeting without making a presentation. Please do not forget to register, it will allow us to estimate the number of participants.
For any question or more information, contact us at: ynhm2018@gmail.com
And follow us on Twitter @YNHM_2018 and on our Facebook page!
We warmly invite your contributions in English (either oral OR poster communications) in six Natural History fields :
- Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation
- Humanities and Natural Sciences
-Systematics, Evolution and Comparative Anatomy
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Evolutionary Ecology
- Methods in Natural Sciences
For more information about last YNHM sessions find out Abstract book 2015 and 2016.
A keynote speaker will open each of these multidisciplinary sessions with a lecture on a relevant topic.
Best oral and poster presentation of each session will be rewarded with gifts offered by our sponsors.